At chooko, we prioritise creating a safe and trusted community for all our users. We are constantly investing in new and better methods to ensure the safety of our community.
Zero-tolerance for inappropriate behaviour
We have a zero-tolerance approach to any misuse and inappropriate behaviour on our platform. Any individual found taking advantage of our community will be dealt with accordingly.
Safe transactions
All transactions are to take place exclusively on our website using the “Buy Now” button. This is a vital step to help keep transactions protected, and we continuously reinforce this in our community.
Buyer protection
Buyer protection is another feature that we offer to our users. Eligible transactions made using PayPal are covered by our Buyer Protection program. This means that buyers are always protected in case something goes wrong with their order.
Password security
We are also committed to improving password security and developing enhanced authentication methods. All chooko users are required to use a strong and complex password when signing up to minimize the risk of their account being compromised. Our priority is to create a safe and secure environment for our community, where they can focus on buying and selling quality sports equipment without any security concerns.
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